
Relax In The Bath With Our LED TVs

During the past year, we have all spent much more time at home. Many have gotten to know all the nooks and crannies of their property and maybe even starting renovating it. One place I think we can all agree we’ve spent more time in this past year is the bathroom. Whether it’s to up your hand hygiene or to get some much needed relaxation time, the bathroom has seen a lot of activity during the pandemic. If you’re thinking of adding to your bathroom, here’s why you should consider adding a television. No, really!

Putting a waterproof television in the bath is a great way to jump-start your morning routine as you can catch the news headlines you need whilst you prepare for the day. It’s also a great way to escape the stress of the day and watch your favourite film and soak for the ultimate relaxing experience. Whatever your reason, turning your bathroom in an entertainment hub could not be easier with Sarason TV. Each television purchased comes with a mounting system, our system is minimal and unobtrusive.

Fortunately, there’s a lot of ways to make a waterproof television work in the bathroom:

See-through glass – these clear shower walls are a great way to catch up on television whilst you are getting ready for the day. You can install the wall-mount where you can see it from the shower, bath, or even a vanity.

Built-in – If you’re after a clean, finished look, a built-in cabinet for the TV allows you to place the TV in the wall and out of the way. This is a great option for modern bathrooms that don’t have much out on the counters.

Out-of-the-way – If you already have a focal point in your bathroom, consider mounting the television high in the corner so it doesn’t distract from the beauty of your already established focal point.

Shelf – When in doubt, shelf it. Putting a television on the shelf allows you to change position as and when without removing a mounting unit from the wall.

Whatever style you go for, your media should be the focal point not the hardware.

To learn more about Sarason Style & Technology and our stunning custom waterproof TV’s for, contact us today and speak with one of our friendly, knowledgeable representatives who can answer any questions you might have.

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